cosplay costume

The latest cosplay fashion; coolest cosplay costume


Blog posts : "lolita dress"

Cosplay in Harajuku

Cosplay (コスプレ, kosupure) is the Japanese word for dressing up like a Japanese character. Cosplay is popular in places like Tokyo's  Harajuku district,so pop hot as lolita , gothic lolita dress .

The word Cosplay from the joining of two English words "costume" and "play". Typically Japanese…

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Where to by Lolita

Picture above a Japanese girl in Doitstyle dressed in the Lolita style.

Many Goth girls in the west, have borrowed from the Japanese goth loli style, and have created a market for this style of clothing (particulary in online auctions). Americas Tokyopop recently comissioned, along w…

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2 blog posts